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For women who are ready to see their relationship drastically shift!
Do you feel like your husband sometimes struggles to put his faith into action? Do you feel like he doesn't really lead your family spiritually the way you expected him to? You try to encourage him to lead but it feels like you are always out in front . Maybe he doesn't even show the fruit of a believer...
We’re cashing in on this promise:
“Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives.” – 1 Peter 3:1
- You don’t need to guide your Husband. (put yourself over him.)
- You don’t even need to reason with him. (without the word) 😱
- Your behavior changes (conversation) will be what wins him over.
- Your man is watching you whether you realize it or not.
- Your husband's heart is a battle that your adversary does NOT want you to win.
Because if one of you wins you BOTH win.
Are you willing to stand in the gap for him and for the experience you share together in life?
Join Wives of Promise, a group of women who are boldly laying claim to a marriage of honor and understanding!
It’s time to take back what has been stolen from you and declare WAR against your true enemy; and let me tell you, it’s not your Husband.
It hurts to feel helpless.
But it gets worse when you try to “convince” your husband.
If you’ve met a man that’s been convinced please introduce him to me… 😂🤪
Oh I’ve seen a man roll over and submit to his wife’s wishes but it’s a shallow shift.
Deep in his core he holds the same beliefs, beliefs you are powerless to change.
But are you???
There is a powerful tool that you may have grown lax in or maybe you have never even fully applied this tool.
This tool is called prayer And I’ve created a space for you to plug in this power tool like never before!!!
Wives of Promise is a community of women who are ready to see the lives of their husbands drastically shift!
Women who crave the powerful impact for GOOD that their Husband can have!
Now don’t get any ideas. We will NOT be storming the gates of heaven to get OUR way. 🛑
Oh no. We will be seeking the Lord to open our husbands hearts to HIS will and HIS ways!
We will be interceding for his desires to be fulfilled and for his territory to be enlarged.
We’ll be asking God to prosper and keep our Husbands to lead him not in temptation and to deliver him from evil!
But what’s in it for you???
Ask any woman who is living in harmony with a Husband who is guided and abundantly blessed and she will tell you the experience is priceless!
If you want to have THAT kind of experience I invite you to join us!
Hello! I am Clair McDaniel, cofounder of No Longer Captives and Master Certified Covenant Coach.
God commissioned my Husband and I nearly a decade ago with Isaiah Chapter 61. At the time, we thought the commission was about our music but it turned into so much more than that! I now see the lives of those whom I serve radically transform by the power of Jesus, through the modality of coaching!
I have been married to my Husband for 14 years, a relationship that has required patience, strength, determination, grace and LOTS of prayer. He has had some major lows; lows that threatened to take me down with the sinking ship. But, every time I applied the strategies that I will be teaching you in Wives of Promise I have seen an almost instant turnaround in our marriage.
I am inviting you to fight for your man, and to fight for what rightfully belongs to you! It’s time to sharpen your swords.⚔️
Has your Husband not seemed present lately? Has he seemed tense and stressed?
Has he turned to stimulants to “get by”. (Even energy drinks are considered a stimulant. 😬 And they are a detriment your husband's health.)
Has he gotten caught up in addictions?
Do you feel degraded, heartbroken, and angry at his addiction to
It’s time to take action in a way that no one else is going to for him.
It’s time to pray like you have never prayed before.
It’s time to pray in a new way.
With a new faith.
It’s time to walk a fresh path with women who are ready to walk alongside you and carry you when you fall and bind up your wounds when you feel broken.
It’s time to join Wives of Promise.
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